

Breaking through the clutter in the tech space

The task
To drive consideration among media buyers to include Mirriad in their next media plan. 

The audience
Media planners, media buyers, and innovation heads at media agencies. 

The consumer insight
Under increased pressure to perform and less assurance of results, getting people’s attention feels more like a distant dream than a reality.

The strategic idea
Breakthrough without interruption is made possible by Mirriad.



Changing the perception of an established brand

The task
To change people’s perception of Ikea from cheap & basic to higher-end & stylish, while still maintaining a good value for money.

The audience
Ikea’s soon to be drop-outs who are struggling to define their own meaning of adulthood.

The insight
People know that compromising is part of life; but they feel invincible when they can have it all.

The strategic idea
Ikea helps you adult on your own terms.



Doing right by your brand purpose 

The task
Explore ways into the e-learning market for Miami Ad School. 

The audience
Primary: mid-level female creatives already employed by advertising agencies
Secondary: female students who are about to join the creative industry

The insight
“I spend most of my time focused on learning the craft and improving my technical skills, but my effort has not translated into career growth in the same proportion.”

The strategic idea
Miami Ad School provides the tools to create well-rounded and diverse industry leaders. 

The big idea
MAS SYMMETRY: an online leadership program developed to address the diversity problem in the ad world.



Evolving brand positioning for longevity 

The task
To create desire within a newly identified target audience to try HiSmile.

The audience
The proactive naturalists, who take measures to be physically and mentally healthy but don’t go to extremes.

The consumer insight
She invests in self-care to feel good about herself, but won't be entirely carefree if she feels insecure about her smile.

The brand truth
Rather than a cosmetic brand, HiSmile is a self-care brand.

The strategic idea
Allowing yourself to smile is the ultimate act of self-care.