Changing the perception of an established brand

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Their current consumer base has been called the “Ikea generation,” for turning immediately to a single furniture provider when reaching adulthood. As a consequence, most people think of Ikea as cheap furniture made for a younger audience. After a certain age, people “graduate” from Ikea and go to competitors for their furniture shopping.

With the launch of its new luxury line, Elevate, Ikea would like to change people’s perception of the brand from cheap & basic to higher-end & stylish, while still maintaining a good value for money.

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They are 25-35 year olds, male and female, who live in small spaces that are more often rented than bought. They have a high affinity with brands that are ethical and sustainable, and seek a strong value proposition. They use social media for decoration inspiration (especially Pinterest and Instagram). They value products that help them live the lives they want, rather than looking for luxury and status as traditionally defined.

Our audience has been trying to resignify adulthood. While being an adult used to mean being financially independent, what they want to take out of it is being financially independent AND free to pursue their passions. While it used to mean having a family, what they strive for is having a family AND traveling the world. Their idea of “adulting” evolved from having a good job, to also having a meaningful job. From saving for the future, to also enjoying the present. From having their own place, to also spending a lot of time outside of it. They believe it’s not or - it’s more

However, the premise of each generation being better off than the one before is not proving true. They have less equity, stability and savings, and more student debt than their parents. Not being able to quite grasp the having it all dream that they have been promised, they find themselves in conflict between what they want out of life and the compromises that they have to make.

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People know that compromising is part of life; but they feel invincible when they can have it all.

Ikea helps you adult on your own terms.

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Ikea’s Elevate line is an example of not compromising: it provides high quality furniture for a fair price.

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In addition to the communication output developed to launch this new line, we believe additional steps are crucial to the success of Elevate with its audience, while competing with higher-end furniture brands:

  • Our audience places an enormous value on convenience.
 Elevating the shopping, delivery and assembly experience will help reduce the barrier to buying. We recommend the integration of fast delivery + Task Rabbit assembly services for a seamless shopping experience at no additional cost.

  • Modular furniture that can be transformed supports our audience when moving from place
 to place and readapting their living situation, while being more resourceful and environmentally-friendly.

  • Consider rewarding loyalty (e.g. store credit for recycled furniture).