Doing right by your brand purpose


With education moving towards e-learning, Miami Ad School is looking to venture into this market. We learned early in the process that the school’s approach is not to convert current programs to their online versions yet. With that in mind, our group searched for the "sweet spot" between the needs of the advertising industry and the priority issues for Miami Ad School, which would give life to an entirely new course to be hosted online.

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As a school with the purpose of setting people up for a successful career in the creative field, the fact that only 11% of creative directors are females cannot go unaddressed.

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-       Primary: mid-level female creatives already employed by advertising agencies
-       Secondary: female students who are about to join the creative industry

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“I spend most of my time focused on learning the craft and improving my technical skills, but my effort has not translated into career growth in the same proportion.”

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As we worked on the project, we realized that what we initially had as the strategic idea would be best framed as the big idea. The creative team was incredibly supportive and excited to develop it further. The result was a proposal for a leadership course for women, to close the gap between the support that the school already provides -- copywriting and art direction training -- with the soft skills needed to help propel women’s careers.

Miami Ad School provides the tools to create well-rounded and diverse industry leaders.

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  • Miami Ad School's teachers all work in advertising, as opposed to being only dedicated to teaching. As a consequence, they are able to recognize and teach skills that go beyond what a traditional school/curriculum would.

  • Miami Ad School has an extensive network of graduates and teachers working in advertising agencies all over the world.

  • The school's commitment to the 3% movement and Pippa Seichrist’s existing initiatives to increase diversity within the industry.

  • Teachers already share their knowledge in an altruistic way — with a strong motivation to pay it forward rather than for financial reasons.

MAS SYMMETRY: an online leadership program developed to address the diversity problem in the ad world.

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Launch campaign


Female Role Models & influencers will lecture on diversity struggles within the industry. All lectures will be streamed online to make it accessible to those who are out of local reach.

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Agencies and brands that partner with MAS and complete the MAS Symmetry certification will receive a verified logo on their social media accounts and website.

Agencies who support diversity will soon be identifiable within the ad world.


An Instagram account will be created to enhance awareness on diversity within the ad world. Different female leaders will take control of the IG account providing insights and suggestions to the future generation of advertisers.

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Team: Natalie Castro (copywriter), Amaya De Vleeschauer and Yanella Pasquale (art directors)