Evolving brand positioning for longevity

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HiSmile is an Australian teeth-whitening brand that heavily relied on social media marketing through the use of influencers. Its current tactics won over the tween and young millennial demographic, netting the company millions. Looking into the future, the owners want the brand to have longevity, and to be “in every bathroom in America”. To achieve these business objectives, the approach is to evolve the brand positioning from a cosmetic & trendy treatment towards embracing the self-care aspect in taking care of your smile, focusing on a newly defined target to encourage trials.

  • Questions on its effectiveness as the product only removes surface stains and not deep stains (i.e. best to be done in ritual).

  • Although the brand wants to expand its target, older adults don’t take HiSmile seriously due to perceived gimmicky tactics and use of celebrity influencers.

  • People think that using at home whitening products is harmful to gums/enamel with continued use.

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The proactive naturalists

The female older millennial, with disposable income and the awareness of the importance of self-care.

They take measures to keep fit, manage stress, and feel beautiful. Even though they opt for choosing natural & organic products when possible, they don't go to extremes. They will eat healthy, but still enjoy a burger and wine. They will get their hair dyed, but make sure the products are as natural as possible. They invest in natural skincare, but will slather on any foundation that works. They love their coffee, but sometimes worry that it will stain their teeth.

They see self-care as putting their oxygen mask on first: taking care of their wellbeing allows them to be their best for others.

The phrase “You have two homes: Earth and your body. Take care of them.” resonates with our audience. They will choose products with embedded health benefits that are actually well designed, desirable, accessible, fun, tasty, interesting or storied.


She invests in self-care to feel good about herself, but won't be entirely carefree if she feels insecure about her smile.

Rather than a cosmetic brand, HiSmile is a self-care brand.

This evolved positioning presents HiSmile to the audience as a product that is effective in their daily routine, but made up of natural ingredients and easy to incorporate into their current beauty rituals.


Allowing yourself to smile is the ultimate act of self-care.

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  • Effectiveness: HiSmile whitens teeth gently, with no pain or risk of irritating the gums

  • Natural ingredients: HiSmile uses all natural ingredients (for example, chamomile, aloe leaf juice and pomegranate seeds). all products are vegan and cruelty-free

  • Ease of use: With a simple and fast application, HiSmile can be combined with other self-care practices


Activate Natural

We believe that smiles should be genuine. 

That's why we are, too. Just like you want to "Hi"light your beautiful smile, we also want to "Hi"light the ingredients that are going to get you there. 

With a formula derived from natural, vegan, cruelty-free ingredients, we want to show you that with HiSmile you'll be making your world more beautiful, you'll be making the world more beautiful, too. 


Smile Like You Care

We believe real beauty radiates from the inside out, and there's nothing like self-care to bring that about. And allowing yourself to smile is the ultimate self-care act.

Smiling elevates your mood, creates a sense of well-being and releases feel-good hormones that serve as natural pain relievers.

We're here to give you every reason to smile! With a box filled with feel-good goodies, you're sure to keep smiling all day. 


HiSmile’s Real Beauty Retreat

Each day requires a lot from you. You get up early, invest energy in your work, cook for those you love, lend a helping hand to those who need it.

We believe you have so much to offer, but you can't give from an empty cup. Retreat into your own space and re-charge, re-group and give gratitude for all those things that make you smile.

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Team: Veronica von Wachter (copywriter), Baqiyyah Bent and Yael Safirstein (art directors)